Vision & Mission

About us / Vision & Mission

Our Vision


Trusting in the power of the Almighty God to prepare and promote our students for rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perceptive and a respect for core values.

Our Mission

  • To provide quality and enriching education.
  • To teach, challenge and transform through our services, support and leadership.
  • To promote lifelong learning in a vibrant environment by self-discovery and personal
  • growth.
  • To address the average and to challenge the gifted.

Core Values


Respect- recognize the worth of a person or thing
Integrity- Do what you say
Humility- Seeing life as a gift
Compassion- Having empathy
Justice- Working for a fairer
World Forgiveness- reconciling with self and others
Peace- committed to peace making and non-violence
Courage- standing up for the truth.